Does the sex of the rider alter the horse's behaviour?
Differences found included defensiveness and compliance when handled with males and females.

Does increasing the number of riders change behaviour?
We found differences in responses to rider signals with horses ridden by several different riders.

Can certain in-hand behaviours predict dangerous ridden behaviour?
E-BARQ revealed that bucking, rearing and bolting are all associated with some particular in-hand behaviours.

How does horse behaviour change over time?
We investigated age-related changes, including independence and boldness, in horse behaviour.

Do mares and geldings behave differently?
E-BARQ revealed some minor differences on the ground but none under saddle.
Keep in touch and stay up to date with the research

An E-BARQ Pilot Study
An early version of the E-BARQ questionnaire revealed that horse training, management and behaviour may influence learning.

Collaboration is Key
LWe wanted to be sure that you, the horse owner, are also getting what you need from E-BARQ and so we asked you.

Previous Online Surveys
We investigated sources of bias in previous online surveys to minimize these in the final E-BARQ version.

The Development of E-BARQ
E-BARQ was developed over eight years and in collaboration with horse owners from around the world.

The Validation of E-BARQ
With the collaboration with other institutions, we ensure E-BARQ was a valid and reliable instrument.